Happy 666.
This is the greatest and most powerful blog in the history of the universe. Solid.
Birthday Liveblogging.
Holy crap! There are tens of millions of al Qaeda living in the U.S.!
"Do you think firefighting is a dangerous job?"
Goss on scandals. Regarding the outing of Valerie Plame, Porter Goss diminished its importance saying, "Somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I'll have an investigation."
Hookers 1, Porter Goss 0.
Bad drivers. If you're driving on the beltway, DO NOT sit in the left lane going 60 mph. Why would you do that? Just because there are four lanes, that doesn't mean that it's a goddam free-for-all. Sure, the speed limit might be 55, but NOBODY drives that slowly. So please, just get the hell out of my way so that I can get to where I need to be thirty seconds sooner.
Colbert Nation. Dan Froomkin gets it.
Balls-alicious. Youtube had to yank the Colbert video. It's available here sans crowd reaction shots. It doesn't show the video of Colbert as Press Secretary. But what you DO get is a seven minute shot of Shrub's reaction. Shrub was pissed.
Farewell, Unnatural Man. This would be the last time we ever saw him.
5/3 UC Din-DinUnnatural Man was sitting by himself (as he always did) at one of the tables on the outer rim of the UC dining room, and we were seated about eight feet away. Though he had no idea that we had been tracking him for most of the school year, cataloguing his unnatural tendencies and affinity for Bryan Adams, I think that night he, too, felt something special in the air. In fact, there was a moment when he looked up from his plate of bland, lukewarm food, and we locked gazes for what seemed like forever but was probably only a couple of seconds. And I think at that moment he knew that he was part of something larger in this life.....Okay, that last part didn't actually happen. But had it, it would definitely have been unnatural.
Good seating--it just doesn't get any better.
Last of Unnatural Man?
5/1 UC DinnerAfter tracking our own personal yetti for the most of our freshman year, was this it? With classes coming to and end and everyone scattering for final exams, would we ever see him again? We'd just have to wait and hope.
Possibly the last Unnatty siting?
May 1, 2006? Already? Seems like just yesterday it was "Mission Accomplished." A walk down memory lane shows just how in the tank the press were for the whole Iraq disaster as evidenced by their coverage of Shrub's flightsuit publicity stunt. Excuse me while I go spit out the bit of vomit that just came up in my mouth.
About those hookers. Just how many Congressman were in on that action? A trip to Scarborough Country (a place I generally try to avoid) suggests as many as half a dozen.
I will warn you of this. If the Democrats ever get Congress and the White House again, Americans will die. They want open borders, a smaller military and to befriend terrorism. This is a fact.Is the letter about a)terrorism b)the budget c)immigration d)Victory Stadium? If you said "C," then you're correct.
Insane in the membrane. This guy is crazy. His name is Dean Karnazes. His plan is to run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. That's crazy.
Techie question. We have Verizon DSL with a wireless router. The laptop can pick up the signal, but it can't actually make the connection. We can connect to other people's wireless signals but not our own. The router is a Westell 327W.