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Monday, April 04, 2005

Soy un perdedor. Congratulations to David for winning the NCAA tourney pool challenge. At his age, this is the only type of challenge that he'll be winning. Your major award, Don the Undercover Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure, will be soon on its way. Anyway, this whole thing was designed as a front to get this damn action figure out of the apartment. Of course, had Illinois not blown it, I'd have proudly displayed Don alongside my Monster Thickburger Challenge Burgermeister Meisterburger. Nice work by Roanoke and Fenway Slim moving up to 2nd and 3rd in the final standings, and better luck next year to Mr.Tibbs' Ten Pound Balls.

Thanks to everyone who played. Now we can all go back to not giving a shit about the Vermont Catamounts.

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