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Thursday, February 10, 2005

This and that. Salon's story on "Jeff Gannon" hits all the important points, and Daily Kos has an interesting timeline of when and where Gannon (conveniently) showed up.

Oh, and then there's some shit about how the Medicare drug benefit is going to cost way more than anyone admitted. Like a couple hundred billion more.

And something about a 9/11 commission report that says the FAA received 52 intelligence reports between April and Sept.10, 2001, specifically mentioning Osama and/or Al Qaeda, five of which dealt with the threat of hijackings. Oh, and Bushco sat on this report for five months. But hey, what are you gonna do? It's not like Bush got an intelligence report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States" a month before 9/11 and then did nothing.

But shit, y'all, there's kids in Virginny with their underwear showin!

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