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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

More freedom. Last May, Shurb declared, "Because we acted, torture chambers are closed." Even then this statement seemed a bit at odds with the abu Ghraib prison scandal. And now according to a report by Human Rights Watch, it seems that the new boss is much the same as the old boss.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi authorities routinely torture prisoners, a leading human rights group said Tuesday, citing examples of abuse which will sound all too familiar to those who suffered under Saddam Hussein.

Prisoners have been beaten with cables and hosepipes, and suffered electric shocks to their earlobes and genitals, the U.S.-based group Human Rights Watch said. Some have been starved of food and water and crammed into standing-room only cells....

The report also said Iraq's intelligence service had violated the rights of political opponents.

It highlighted the systematic use of arbitrary arrest, pre-trial detention of up to four months, improper treatment of child detainees and abysmal conditions in pre-trial facilities.
Wow. A twofer! Political opponents and child detainees! Hot damn, freedom is on the march. I guess that when Shrub said that "torture chambers are closed," he only meant that some, not all, of the chambers had been closed.

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