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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I am an idiot. But you already knew that. So here's another reason why. Yesterday evening, I went over to campus for my first class of the spring semester. I got over to campus at about 5:00 for the 6:30 class, and I thought to myself, "It seems a little empty for the first day of the semester." But it was at the end of the day, so I didn't give it any more thought. I walk over to the class and get there five minutes early, and nobody is there yet. I logged on to the computer and checked the course schedule just to make sure I was in the right place at the right time, and sure enough, I was. Five minutes go by, and nobody else shows up. Another five minutes, and still nobody. "WTF, mate?" I say to myself.

Not knowing what to do, and feeling like it's my first day of 7th grade all over again, I head back over to the department. I thought that maybe the location had changed, and I just missed the email. But there wasn't anybody around the department. So, I go back over to the scheduled classroom just to check again, and still nobody is there. I gave up at that point and assumed that I must have missed an email announcing a time/location change or a cancellation. So I came home and watched "The Amazing Race" (yes, yes, I know, bad reality television, bad, bad, bad).

This morning, my legal counsel called me up and informed me that spring semester classes start today, not yesterday. So that's why nobody else showed up for class last night. "Way to go, champ!" she said.

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