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Thursday, December 02, 2004

"I'm craaaazy!" The teacher who was caught having sex with a 14 yr old student is apparently going to say that she was insane at the time. On FAUX News last night, Greta "I heart O.J." Van Susteren was talking about the case and said that there are some tape-recorded conversations between the teacher and the student. Then she said, "We'll have those sexy tapes tomorrow." Sexy? Sexy?!? If it had been a male teacher with a female student, would Greta describe the tapes as "sexy"? There's nothing sexy about statutory rape, my dear.

"I'm juiced!" Jason Giambi admitted to a grand jury that he used steroids for at least three seasons. Really? I'm shocked.

"I'm woefully uninformed!" Students participating in federally funded abstinence-only sex-ed programs are being taught some crazy stuff such as the misconception that HIV can be spread via sweat and tears. Des has more that will make your head spin.

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