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Monday, September 13, 2004

Yahoo! Search of the Day. Thanks to the handy dandy sitemeter, I can see how visitors get to ye ole blog. The modal way in which you all get here is simply by typing in the web address. Other times, visitors get here through links on other people's blogs. And quite a few random people get here via internet searches--whether it is a search for Joel Osteen, a monkey washing a cat, the CIA logo, or Mikesch (the formerly 40 pound cat).

Today, some person out there arrived here via a Yahoo! search for gail devers ass photos. Now, I never used those terms all together. But apparently all those terms are in the May archives.

And while we're on the subject of Gail Devers ass photos...which we're not anymore..."The Benefactor" just started on ABC. It's the show where Mark Cuban gives away a million dollars to some lucky bastard. I must now go change the channel. Other things I'm not watching this Fall? "The Apprentice 2," "Joey," and any show with "Marry" or any derivation of "Marry." I will, however, be taping "Clubhouse" every week and watching it over and over and over again (not really).

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