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Thursday, September 02, 2004

Thank goodness that's over. Amazingly enough, I was able to avoid watching any of the speeches live at the RNC this week. I don't think there's been such a display of restraint since the last time Zell Miller saw a baby he didn't eat.
The Daily Show coverage was spectacular. Again, catch tonight's replay tomorrow if you missed it.
From what I could glean from some of the bobblehead cable commentary is that Shrub had nothing to say about any accomplishments over the last four years other than blowing up a bunch of shit and being "strong" (but wrong).

60 days. Just 60 more days. And then hopefully no person with the last name "Bush" will ever be able to run for elected office again. They had one of Shrub's nephews, Pierce Bush, on CNN earlier in the evening along with his uncle Marvin Bush and Poppy Bush. My best guess is that the kid was one of Neil's. Where was Neil? Probably out spreading v.d. with some hookers. (just googled, and yeah, it was one of Neil's kids...absolutely obnoxious by the way...but not as obnoxious as Billy Bush)

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