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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Jon Stewart enter the "No Spin Zone." Full transcript here at Wonkette. Apparently, the audience for TDS is nothing but "stoned slackers."
O'REILLY: You actually have an influence on this presidential election. That is scary.
STEWART: If that were so, that would be quite frightening.
O'REILLY: But it is. It's true. I mean, you've got stoned slackers watching your dopey show every night, OK, and they can vote.
O'REILLY: You can't stop them.
STEWART: Yeah, I just don't know how motivated they would be, these stoned slackers.
O'REILLY: Yeah, it just depends if they have to go out that day.
STEWART: What am I, a Cheech and Chong movie? Stoned slackers?
O'REILLY: Come on, you do the research, you know the research on your program.
STEWART: No, we don't.
O'REILLY: Eighty-seven percent are intoxicated when they watch it. You didn't see that?
STEWART: No, I didn't realize that.
O'REILLY: Yeah, we have that there.
STEWART: We come on right after, I believe, puppets that make crank calls...
Everyone in the news biz is so jealous of Jon Stewart these days. The fact that they don't understand the rise in popularity of TDS just shows how much they don't get it. (apparently, O'Lielly was joking about the 87 percent figure)
Richard Clarke was on TDS tonight. His book is in paperback now, and I think he added some recipes to the index. Mark Racicot, Shrub campaign chair, is on tomorrow night (wasn't he just on the other week before the convention?). Always a good time when J.S. handles the Bushco lackeys.

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