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Sunday, September 19, 2004

Is Tucker Carlson white? From this past Friday's show, "Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered":
Carlson: Barak Obama, you've written about. Is the -- as I understand the son of a white mother and a Kenyan father. Something about it strikes me as creepy that it's against most Americans that he's black. Is he black?
Hmm..."creepy" that most Americans think that Barack Obama is black. (Tucker paused after saying "against" and then started again, so he was saying that people consider Obama to be black). Now, where would the American people get an idea like that?:
Obama: Maybe [the Illinois GOP] thought that the fact that I'm African-American warranted an African American candidate.
Creepy indeed. I really don't get why PBS gave that pinhead Tucker Carlson any airtime. Couldn't they just show another episode of "Antiques Roadshow"?

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