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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

We're back online now. But there's much work to be done around the new place. Boxes everywhere, though the cats are enjoying exploring. Funniest thing so far was finding Coco curled up in the bathroom sink (I'll link to photos tomorrow).

In case you hadn't heard, Shrub was laughed at the other day (link courtesy Daver).

And Porter Goss, Shrub's nominee to head the CIA, said earlier this year that he is unqualified to work at the CIA. Fantastic.

And what strikes me about all this talk about the Swiftboat Vets smear campaign against Kerry is that these same people are supporting Shrub who was AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard, a coke-head during the 70s, a failed businessman in the 80s, a one-term governor in a state with a weak executive, and the worst president ever. And they're saying that Kerry is unfit for command?

So that's my Wednesday blog. More tomorrow.

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