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Friday, August 06, 2004

Bush hates America. And here's the video to prove it.

Odd thing about me...I frequently have dreams where I am yelling at people about how bad Bushco is for the country, and the many ways in which they have been incompetent in their conduct on domestic and foreign affairs. In these dreams, I have yelled at Shrub, Rumsfeld, Laura Bush, and most recently, Dick Cheney. And then last night I was screaming at some random person about Bushco requiring loyalty oaths at one of their rallies, Bushco asking a newspaper for a photographer's race, and other thug tactics of theirs. I'm sure that soon I'll have a dream where I'm yelling at one of the liars from the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth.

I much prefer the dreams where I can dunk a basketball or where I'm playing drums for Led Zeppelin (before realizing that I don't know how to play the drums).

Maybe this is what I should put for my "Fun/Interesting Fact" on my class reunion biography sheet, "Dream about cussing out members of the Bush administration."

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