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Friday, July 23, 2004

Garfield? Obscene? According to a Florida woman, he is:
MIAMI -- A South Florida woman says a toy included in Wendy's kids' meals is obscene.

When Tiffany Glad took her three-and-a-half year old niece to Wendy's, the little girl was fascinated with the wind-up toy that told the story of the new Garfield movie.

But Glad says the next day, the cute toy turned crude. It seems one scene shows Garfield pointing upward and Glad says it looks like Garfield is sticking up his middle finger.

"My niece came to me and said Garfield was being bad and I asked her to explain to me. And she's articulate, she knows what's she's talking about, and she showed me the picture and I looked at it and I was outraged," says Glad.

Things got worse when Glad's niece began imitating the picture.

"Now she's going around showing everybody how Garfield's bad. And basically we have a 3-year-old running around giving the middle finger. He has five fingers, it's as clear as day what he's doing," Glad says.

Of course, this woman is batshit crazy because like everyone on The Simpsons, Garfield only has four fingers.

Thus it would be impossible for him to give someone the bird (unless one of his fingers was amputated).

But she's right that young children will flip off anybody and everybody. When my younger brother was about four years old, my older brother taught him the art of giving people the middle finger. So the kid flipped off people everywhere. At home, at the store, at church even. Needless to say, my parents weren't too happy with this development, and little brother was told that it wasn't appropriate behavior.

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