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Friday, May 28, 2004

Why does Bush hate veterans?:
The Bush administration has told officials who oversee federal education, domestic security, veterans and other programs to prepare preliminary 2006 budgets that would cut spending after the presidential election, according to White House documents.

The documents show spending for...the Veterans Affairs Department would fall 3.4 percent from $29.7 billion in 2005 to $28.7 billion.

We're in the middle of a goddamn war, and they're talking about proposals to cut spending for veterans? Especially appalling when you consider the types of injuries being suffered in Iraq:
While attention remains riveted on the rising count of Americans killed in action...doctors at the main combat support hospital in Iraq are reeling from a stream of young soldiers with wounds so devastating that they probably would have been fatal in any previous war.

More and more in Iraq, combat surgeons say, the wounds involve severe damage to the head and eyes — injuries that leave soldiers brain-damaged or blind, or both, and the doctors who see them first struggling against despair.

This stupid war has $119 billion, and the tax cuts for the wealthy have cost hundreds of billions more. But Bushco can't find $1 billion to maintain the line on spending for veterans. Criminals. All of them.

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