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Monday, May 24, 2004

Aaaah! Aaaah! Scary.

Did Georgie have another attack of the killer pretzels? No, he just fell off his bike. Those evildoers from al Qaida sure are crafty, they must be behind this assault on Shrub. Retribution will be sure and swift against all rogue bike trails everywhere. Bad timing for Shrub since he's going to be giving a primetime speech tonight from the Army War College in Carlisle, PA. Why couldn't Shrub have given a speech in Carlisle while I lived there so that I could shown up to demonstrate only to be placed in the "free speech zone"? All we got were car shows and an endless stream of parades.
But it appears that the major networks won't be carrying the speech, only the cable networks. Good for me, because now I won't feel compelled to watch as Shrub spins the disaster in Iraq. Just over five weeks until power is "handed over" in Iraq, but nobody seems to know who it's going to be handed over to.

That's okay though, because we're not as bad as Saddam was, and that makes everything a-okay.

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