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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Tomorrow is tax day. If you haven't filed your taxes yet, then what the hell are you doing reading this? Get thee to the tax forms.
Shrub and Cheney's tax returns were released yesterday. If you need any more proof that it was the rich who benefited from the rounds of tax cuts, then this is it. The Shrubs paid $40K less in taxes this year than last. The Cheneys also benefited from the tax cuts. (Also note that Cheney received $178,437 in deferred compensation from everyone's favorite war profiteers, Halliburton.)
Did you get a $40K cut in your taxes? I sure didn't. I owed taxes. And I figured that my big fat tax payment covered all of about 1.5 seconds of the Iraq war. One...see? Right there. That part of the war comes courtesy of yours truly. Mine. All mine.
How much of a tax cut did the "brown-skinned" people get this year?

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