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Wednesday, April 07, 2004

So much good stuff today. You really can't make up this sort of shit. Ahhhnold is vacationing in Hawaii. Here are some of his more choice ideas:
    "I want to make the Legislature a part-time Legislature," the governor said. "Spending so much time in Sacramento, without anything to do, then out of that comes strange bills. I like them when they're scrambling and they really have to work hard. Give them a short period of time. Then good work gets done, rather than hanging. That's when they start getting creative with things."
    Joking, he said that in reading about the outsourcing of jobs to other countries, he wondered whether California could export its troubled prison system.
    He laughed. "Hey, we don't have to have prisons in California. What about having them in Vietnam? What about having them in Mexico?"
    Shriver jumped in: "No, no, no, no," and said to a reporter, "Don't write that down."

Mexico? Vietnam? Seriously, California, if you don't watch it, we're going to vote you off the island.

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