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Friday, April 30, 2004

Sick day. I'm home sick again today. And so I'm going to spend most of the day on the couch watching DVDs, which means that I won't be aiding and abetting your avoidance of work throughout the day. I'll summarize what today's posts would have looked like: Bush bad, Cheney bad, righteous indignation, partisan rhetoric, abnormal animals, Iraq SNAFU, media bad, end of the day.

But Zack sent along this link to a game where you can fight Shrub (or Kerry) mano-a-mano. There are other games there as well, but they take a while to load from a dial-up connection, and I haven't tried them out. But I'm sure that they are fun. So you can enjoy those. Try to have a good day. And don't forget to vote in the new poll. Yay!

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