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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Puke. Did you ask for this? I certainly didn't ask for this:
Paris Hilton amused us in "The Simple Life." Now her parents are going to give it a go in "The Good Life." Rick and Kathy Hilton, via Handprint Entertainment, have convinced NBC to buy their version of "The Beverly Hillbillies." A family from the boondocks would be plopped down in New York, live with the Hiltons at the Waldorf, and be taught how to make it in high society. CBS tried to do a remake of "The Beverly Hillbillies," but it never made it onto the air. "Kathy and Rick have a softer touch [than CBS]," our insider said. "It's their turn to shine." NBC didn't return calls. (via Page Six)
I have a better idea. How about we storm the Hilton's residence, drink their drink, eat their food, and then burn the place down like Donnie Wahlberg? That would make for an exciting show. Now some may say that there is too much violence already in the media. To them I would say, "Your place is next. Now everyone booze up and riot!"

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