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Sunday, April 11, 2004

Leadership. Speaking about the August 6th PDB, Shrub sez, "There was not a time and place of an attack," he said. "It said Osama bin-Laden had designs on America. Well, I knew that."
So the obvious question then is, if you knew, why didn't you try and do something about it, you stupid fuck? And why the hell did you go on a month-long vacation, the longest ever of any sitting president? I'll grant the Bush-apologists their complaint that it isn't fair to say that 9/11 could have been prevented. I disagree, but whatever. But that still leaves the fact that the Bushies did nothing in response to the warnings. They could have at least tried just a little bit. And yes, Condi, they were warnings, and no, they weren't "historical."

Poor Mr.Tibbs has an eye infection. Greenish/grey viscous fluids oozing out, and it's a little swollen. We took him to the emergency vet since you generally don't want to mess around with eye problems. While it would probably be cute to see him running around with an eye patch, we don't want to let it get to that point. The vet's assistant took his temperature rectally, and you could tell from the look on his face that he felt violated. She then did another test and ended up giving us some topical antibiotic ointment to apply three times a day until it clears up. Poor little kitty cat. He has just been lying around all night, tuckered out and not feeling tip-top.

I can tell you after this that the waiting room at the emergency vet isn't the happiest place to be. One family came in to see their dying dog, and another woman brought in her son's dead cat. But the oddest duck was a woman whose dog, Oscar, had been listless all day and reluctant to move. When we got there, Oscar was already in the back being checked out, and she kept saying to her friend waiting with her, "Why are they taking so long with Oscar? What's wrong with Oscar?" Eventually, the vet came out to get the dog's history to see if this had happened before, and to tell the woman that they'd be running some tests on Oscar. As the vet was walking away, the lady says, "Doctor, I keep poison in my house." My head popped up to see the vet's facial reaction--equal parts, "Huh?" and "Things you could have told me twenty minutes ago." The lady explains that she has mice, so she has put rat poison around the house in places where little Oscar could probably get to. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Luckily, the bulldog with the explosive diarrhea didn't make a mess, and we were called in before we could find out whether or not little Oscar would survive.

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