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Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Last night, watching the news about yesterday's fighting in Iraq and wondering just how things got so fucked up (and how predictable all of these problems actually were), I said that the absolute worst thing that the military could do would be to attack a holy site. And then I watched American Idol (the horror!) and 24 (another mostly Kim-free episode!).
Reports are coming out of Iraq now that the Marines fired rockets at a mosque, killing as many as 40 people. That is not the way to make things any better.
And where is Shrubby? He's vacationing in Crawford (again) at his phony ranch. Maybe he just doesn't want to be around the shitstorm that's going to hit the capitol tomorrow when Condi testifies. Or maybe he's just lazy. Or maybe it takes a lot of energy being so evil all the time. Or maybe he just doesn't get it.

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