I'm still trying to figure out who Shrub was referring to when he said that "some" have argued that "brown-skinned people" can't be self-governing (something that he wholly disagrees with....Shrub sez, "Sure, brown-skinned, yeller-skinned, hell even them injuns can love freedom! And didja know that they've got blacks in Brazil?")
Rush is high again. He really must be in order to come up with this gem:
- Hillary wants to be on the VP ticket so that she dispels the notion that the Clintons are sabotaging the campaign and so that she can also go out there and really be the star. She'd be the star because she'll be the one bringing excitement to it. And, by the way, she'll get all kinds of criticism and the Republicans will launch all they've got at her, and she'll endure that. They know that they're pretty confident Kerry is going to lose and if Kerry wins there's always Fort Marcy Park. So they're rolling the dice on this.
Captain Tibby Hook is what we've been calling Tibbs this week. His eye still hasn't completely cleared up yet, and so he is squinting half the time.
Squinting eye ---> eye patch ---> pirate ---> Captain Hook ---> Captain Tibby Hook.
And Coco has taken on the name of First Mate Butterbean.
Yes, owning a cat makes you behave in ways that might seem very, very strange to others.
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