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Tuesday, February 03, 2004

We tuned in to "American Idol" last night that...okay, I have no good reason why. In typical FOX fashion, the show was just more of the same--good auditions/bad auditions and more generally creepy and pathetic people. So we popped in the tape of the first episode of "Survivor All-Stars." Fairly entertaining, and I was glad to see Rudy and Rupert hit it off well. On one of the other tribes--Mogo Mojo or Shakira or whatever--Rob Mariano, aka "Boston Rob" is arguing with another person and says, "Since day one you've blah blah blah...." But didn't they just flash on the screen "Day 2"? So why not just say, "since yesterday." Oh, that's right, because they're all frickin mo-rons.
I was just at the UPN website (oh right, like you don't have it bookmarked), and the teaser for tonight's episode of "America's Next Top Model" reads, "One girl is told her personal style resembles that of a prostitute, while another girl struggles with a hidden illness." Those two are so going to win.

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