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Monday, February 02, 2004

It's the morning after. Our car is still wrecked, and I'm still pissed. I've talked to Geico, granny's insurer, and told them that we expect them to pay for all the damages and for the rental car we'll have to get in the meantime. But, they're still "investigating" and so it'll be some time before everything is settled.
I'm still thinking about the unique sound made by our car being sandwiched. Sorta like a blown-up paper bag being popped and crumpled.

Speaking of investigations, here's the oxymoron quote of the day: "President Bush today said he will appoint an 'independent bipartisan commission' to review U.S. intelligence on weapons of mass destruction."

In other news: fox appoints bipartisan coyote/fox panel to investigate missing chickens. "I want to know the truth," says fox.

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