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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

So I've got this blog. Can't say I'm exactly sure what to do with it. My life isn't the most interesting as of late. The most exciting event has been coming home the other day to find that Mr.Tibbs (our stately black cat) had not only thrown up *in* his food bowl but also on the carpet in the hallway and in the office. A typical Saturday night for me is to sit on the couch, alternating between watching the cat and watching DVDs. Don't get me wrong...I'm fine with that. It's about all that I can handle or need these days.
I could certainly rail endlessly about my deep running hatred of Dubya Bush. I loathe him. I cannot emphasize this simple fact enough. For those familiar with "My Life at the Ground Round," the diary of my experiences waiting tables during the summer of '02, recall the extent to which Avril Lavigne offended my senses. Multiply that by my disdain for Creed, and you will begin to understand my loathing for Shrub.
So as you can see, that wouldn't be very much fun to simply turn this into a polemic against the current cabal of radicals running the country. Informative? Yes. Therapeutic? Debatable. Fun? No.

But make no mistake. No matter the subject, in working toward a more free and prosperous Iraq, my blog will be a fount of wit, humor, and spite.

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